Kelly Ng Shah
Born and raised in Singapore, Kelly Ng Shah is a mixed media artist with a strong passion for painting.
Art is not a birth given talent, and Kelly is a prime example of that. None of her family members were artistic let alone interested in the field. She would start with craft work such as knitting, rug making, and clay work at the age of five, spending hours and hours matching the colored yarns to create distinctive crafts.
That combination of knits, colors, and eagerness to express her inner self drew her to sketching and painting. Her love for watercolors, oil, soft pastels, charcoal, and resin caused her to enroll herself in both public and private education to learn different techniques. Bright colors, multi-layering, shading, and the use of gold and silverleaf characterize Kelly’s paintings, which are best expressed via acrylics.
A prominent and careful eye for colors stands out in every painting, reflecting her personality. Bolder choices of colors with sharp defined areas within the canvas highlight her numerous obstacles in life that she conquered through her creative outlet.