Roger Konig
Roger König, born in 1968 in Dessau, Germany is an abstract artist. Koenig’s work can be described as ethereal, and attains a level of detail that persuades the viewer to revisit each piece, discovering new secrets each time. Koenig enjoys utilizing older, and more traditional painting techniques; and as an experienced veteran painter, it’s been some time since he’s analyzed the specifics of his motivation. Koenig’s input medium for his work takes on many forms; antique walls, a nice patina, and aged textures which overlap years of existence fascinate him. These attributes which are naturally attained over time are what Koenig attempts to represent within his work.
Koenig holds a Master’s Degree in painting from HWK Halle in Germany. After completing his work at HWK he studied at the University of Applied Sciences in Magdegurg. Continuing to push the boundaries of his medium, Koenig’s work on canvas is innovative and highly experimental.