Perched atop the expansive slopes of Mt.Faber, the 100 year old Temenggong House serves as a stunning backdrop for the recently concluded exhibition titled Expressing Heritage: Art & Originality Unfolded. This exhibition is part of Temenggong Artists-in-Residence, a private non-profit that promotes cross-cultural exchanges and heritage events. The program is the brainchild of Henry Chen, whose abstract ink and wash paintings have been exhibited around the world. Chen’s desire is to build a community of artists who pay it forward, thereby ensuring a stronger community.



The exhibition features works by graphic artists Koh Hong Teng and Sonny Liew, architect Sim Boon Yang, designer Theseus Chan as well as art collective Phunk.

As you step inside the heritage colonial bungalow, Sim’s installation of a handshake greets you. Inspired by the 1819 Singapore Treaty, the wire mesh sculpture leads you to explore other works sculpted from decaying wood.



The upper floors feature Koh’s impressive six-paneled screen that relates the story of a Japanese man in search of a tomb, and Theseus Chan’s dramatic unfurling of digital scrolls titled They Were Told To The Giants (Walls Have Ears).



Sonny Liew’s board game installation warrants a room of its own, while the walls feature sketches of Malay rulers and colonial masters like Raffles, inferencing the era of colonial governance in 1819 Singapore.



The exhibition’s late viewing hours were primarily to showcase the stunning light projections by PHUNK. Titled HOUSE of LOVE(愛), the illuminated exteriors feature moving images of calligraphic strokes by the hand of Temenggong founder Henri Chen.