Edwin Coscoluella
Edwin Coscolluela was born in 1953 in Manila where he still works and lives today.
Edwin earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts, Major in Painting at University of the East in Quezon City. He went on to complete a Master of Fine Arts at the University of the Philippines.
Inspired mainly by the movements of nature, Edwin Coscolluela’s works saw various dynamisms and active gestures that the artist claims to crave. Creating an image out of many other tiles, the works of Coscolluela are mosaic in nature and a testament to his artistry of non-representational art, gaining inspiration from the momentary, transitory scenes in the environment surrounding him.
Edwin Coscolluela has participated in more than 100 shows from 1973 up to the present throughout the Philippines. Most recently holding his “Tile Works” exhibit at Gallery Duemilla in 2018. He is a trained photographer and a retired instructor for more than 36 years